Recent News and Updates

  • Deerfield Academy Graduation

    It was about a month before my son’s high school graduation when he gave me one of the biggest surprises of my life. I’m not easy to surprise but this was a good one!

  • Waitress, CEO, and County Executive

    I've been a waitress, a tech CEO, and a County Executive — but my most important title will always be 'Mom.' I know how hard it is to navigate childcare and balance motherhood with a career. It's why making things easier for working Moms is such a large part of my mission.

  • Thank You Harry Styles!

    Thank you, Harry Styles!

    It has taken 15 years but I finally figured out my daughter’s currency. I know what you’re thinking…what does a teen…and Harry Styles, have to do with a business platform.

  • Tayvion

    I met Tayvion at Michael’s tonight. My 16yo son and I were there to buy canvases.

    I figured out on spring break that, other than organized sports - which aren’t happening right now - the only thing that will distract him from electronics is artwork.