Adventures with Leslie
Sometimes you don’t pick the cause, it picks you.
When I took over my sister Leslie’s care, I had no idea what the future would bring. I was reeling from the impact on my career and family. Then, I quickly realized I hadn’t been working all these years for myself, I was working for the people I love.
Leslie was very happy in my home, but I knew she needed care beyond what I could provide. She needed a place where she could be with friends and have a fuller life, in addition to being part of my family.
The first time I took her to visit her new Richcroft Inc home, she already knew two of her roommates. They hugged warmly after not having seen each other for years. I knew right away that Richcroft was a special place.
I am honored to share that I have been asked to chair Richcroft’s first-ever advisory board.
It’s exciting to to bring my many years of experience in business and non-profits to an organization that is helping Leslie live her best life!
I attended my first board meeting this past week. I’d already experienced first-hand how they are redefining care for Leslie, but here are just a few examples of their innovative approach:
· Chef Manny Robinson explained how he was hired to go into the homes and teach healthy food preparation to the house managers.
· A supported individual spoke about how her house manager was by her side every step of the way as she achieved her healthy-weight goals.
· Someone from the day program shared his adventures kayaking, which I loved hearing because so many day program just house people like Leslie in buildings, without meaningful activities.
At Richcroft, supported individuals are encouraged to live their best life, and employees are valued.
It is a special place and I am honored to be part of it. Thank you, Kevin Drumheller!